back in the blog saddle...
I've been telling myself for months that I would get back in the habit of updating this thing. Apparently, there were even people who read it on a regular basis. Mostly people I know... so I'm hardly popping up on people's blogrolls across the country. But I consider this a good exercise in keeping up with today's information trends. And I'm gonna be a librarian. So I'm going to make a concerted effort to keep up. Maybe with classes starting I'll feel more motivated. More likely, the fact that after months of having my computer live around the block from where I spend most of my time, I'm now reconnected to the information superhighway on a more than periodic basis.
I was listening, just a little while ago, to
WUNC, and the program involved Bill Cosby, spouting off at the mouth about his theories about what's wrong with young black males today. I have to say, having worked in a middle school with 60% or more of its students on free lunch, that on some of his points I couldn't agree more. It's really the presentation that bothers me. I mean, you can have the best ideas in the world, and if your way of communicating them involves yelling, interrupting anyone who tries to question you, and basically berating your critics without addressing their claims, nobody's likely to listen anyway. What's the point of making a stand about an issue you're passionate about if nobody listens because you're an asshole when you tell them about it? Okay, soapbox abandoned.
Today's Weather: Hot. Damn hot. And humid.