Friday's Brain
Sunday, June 20, 2004
  movies, movies, movies...
I went with a friend to see Saved! yesterday. I thought it was fabulous. There were so many little plotlines running throughout it, and they managed to capture a lot of what it feels like to be in high school in general. It threw me back a little, reminding me of some of the people I went to high school with, especially those who knew I didn't have their same spiritual preference and tried hard to save me.

I also bought Camp and Whale Rider on DVD on sale at the movie store. So I've had a movie-filled weekend so far. These two were definitely among my favorites from the past year, so when I saw them on sale, I had to get them.

Today's Weather: wow! it got cool. it's about 67 out right now.
Song going through my head: "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys. See movie note above.
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the title of this blog is in imitation of a friend and former camp counselor's clipboard. she called it her brain. so this is mine. i imagine that it will turn out to be mostly a collection of ramblings and interesting finds, most likely read only by the author herself.

Me, at the moment...

How am I feeling?

How am I feeling?

What am I reading?

Music? All sorts.

In my free time? Mostly, studying up on my STN command-line searching skills.

Last movie I saw? Rented: Watched Batman Begins again last night at home. In a theatre: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! At the IMAX! Before that: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! In the regular theater!

How's the weather where I am?

The WeatherPixie

Blogs of people I know:


Capital City Desk

Quest for Coffee, by my buddy Daryn.

just be

Verdone Unit


in a loud voice

More info:

ISTJ spoken here.

Cancer sun, Cancer rising, moon in Libra.

Born in the year of the snake.

Here's what the World's Easiest Personality Test says about me!

02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 09.04 / 11.04 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 03.06 / 10.06 / 11.06 / 09.07 / 07.08 /

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