Friday's Brain
Sunday, April 18, 2004
I spent some time today at Duke Gardens. All rivalries aside, it really is a beautiful place. I took some writing that I'm working on, walked around for awhile, and finally found a nice bench with a back (my back is sore today) to sit on down by a large pond full of ducks. This weekend must be some sort of large alumni gathering there, because there were all sorts of groups of people wearing Duke Paraphernalia and eating things off of catering tables. There was also a wedding going on. I had never been there before Kristin and I went last week, when it was equally beautiful but harder to enjoy owing to the constant cold drizzle that was falling. Today was a nicer experience for me. I think I'll be visiting there regularly. I got to spend a nice afternoon sitting in the sun and just spending some quiet time after what has been a very hectic week of trying to get back on a schedule as well as getting all of the various end-of-semester projects done that I have to do.

Today's Weather: about 85 and gorgeous! And about time, too. Hurrah for spring!
Song going through my head: "If I Fall." Gotta love the Dixie Chicks.
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the title of this blog is in imitation of a friend and former camp counselor's clipboard. she called it her brain. so this is mine. i imagine that it will turn out to be mostly a collection of ramblings and interesting finds, most likely read only by the author herself.

Me, at the moment...

How am I feeling?

How am I feeling?

What am I reading?

Music? All sorts.

In my free time? Mostly, studying up on my STN command-line searching skills.

Last movie I saw? Rented: Watched Batman Begins again last night at home. In a theatre: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! At the IMAX! Before that: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! In the regular theater!

How's the weather where I am?

The WeatherPixie

Blogs of people I know:


Capital City Desk

Quest for Coffee, by my buddy Daryn.

just be

Verdone Unit


in a loud voice

More info:

ISTJ spoken here.

Cancer sun, Cancer rising, moon in Libra.

Born in the year of the snake.

Here's what the World's Easiest Personality Test says about me!

02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 09.04 / 11.04 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 03.06 / 10.06 / 11.06 / 09.07 / 07.08 /

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