Friday's Brain
One more thing...
I read some very disturbing statistics today, and I wanted to process them a little.
The new statistic is that 1 out of every 3 women will be sexually assaulted by the time they reach adulthood. I was already pretty messed up over the 1 in 4 that I'm used to hearing.
Perhaps even more disturbing is that the same percentage of teenagers will contract an STD by the time they are 16. This is not a "kids these days" moment. This is absolutely horrendous. I am so appalled by this that I don't even know how to begin processing it. What exactly is it that makes that many children (and yes, despite being hormonally active, they are still children.) feel like they need to be engaging in such risky behavior. I honestly don't think that I'm being monumentally naive when I say that it wasn't like that just over a decade ago when I was their age. There were kids, but they were definitely in the minority. Not anymore, apparently. I just don't know what to think.
the title of this blog is in imitation of a friend and former camp counselor's clipboard. she called it her brain. so this is mine. i imagine that it will turn out to be mostly a collection of ramblings and interesting finds, most likely read only by the author herself.
Me, at the moment...
How am I feeling?
What am I reading?
- Right this red hot moment: Working my way back through the HP series, now that I know how it all works out.
- Recently finished: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
- Before that: I don't even remember.
Music? All sorts.
In my free time? Mostly, studying up on my STN command-line searching skills.
Last movie I saw? Rented: Watched Batman Begins again last night at home. In a theatre: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! At the IMAX! Before that: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! In the regular theater!
How's the weather where I am?
Blogs of people I know:
Capital City Desk
Quest for Coffee, by my buddy Daryn.
just be
Verdone Unit
in a loud voice
More info:
ISTJ spoken here.
Cancer sun, Cancer rising, moon in Libra.
Born in the year of the snake.
Here's what the World's Easiest Personality Test says about me!
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